Compositions – creations for theater, dance, acrobatic acts and movies :
Over the Clouds, Dubai :

World music
I’ve always been influenced by traditional music, first with Andean culture with Los Incas, then with middle-east culture with Pecheurs de Perles… (read more)
I started to get into string orchestration in 2009, while I was working in Macao with Cirque du Soleil – Zaia … (read more)
The piano was my first instrument and is really useful in music creation … (read more)
I come from an acoustic musical backround, and I’m always looking for the right balance between real instruments and electronic sounds, between fragile emotion and fat sound… (read more)
The guitar is my second instrument after the piano, It is may be the one I played the most in concert, with Los Incas… (read more)
You can also listen and buy those musics on Bandcamp
Check my discography