
Studio-MuanceI started to make music with computers aroud 1985, when personal computers where able to do it. I had fist an Atari 1024 with Pro24, ancestor of Steinberg’s Cubase. I remember spending two years learning computer and not making real music… but it was useful.

I was synchronizing the computer (generating midi to external synths) with an analogue multitrack tape recorder (Tascam 38, then MSR 16).
I did my first solo album this way : Gouttes de Feu.
Then I moved to PC with Digidesign’s Session 8 (ancestor of Pro Tools), then several years with Pyramix from Merging Technologies (for audio only) when I was producing Los Incas, then Steinberg’s Cubase when I was producing Pecheurs de Perles (as we where using a lot of samples).

And finaly starting 2008 I moved to Logic pro on Mac, with many sample libraries from Native Instruments, VSL, and more…

My background is acoustic music and I’m always looking for the right combination of real instruments and electronic sounds and samples, the right balance between fragile emotion and fat sound.

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