World music

I have been greatly influenced by traditional music, primarily the Andean folk music played by Los Incas, a group that was founded and directed by my father. As a child I spent a lot of time with the musicians of Los Incas, who taught me how to play the pan flute. From my 18th birthday […]

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Los Incas

The process of arranging and adapting traditional music to the modern ear, which has become known as world music, was not well-known in the 1960s and 1970s. Yet world music has since become increasingly popular and found a huge audience everywhere. Some examples of world music acts which have enjoyed widespread recognition are The Bothy

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I started to make music with computers aroud 1985, when personal computers where able to do it. I had fist an Atari 1024 with Pro24, ancestor of Steinberg’s Cubase. I remember spending two years learning computer and not making real music… but it was useful. I was synchronizing the computer (generating midi to external synths)

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string orchestras

I began to get into strings orchestration in 2009 while working in Macao (China). Alongside my work as a musician on the Cirque du Soleil show Zaia,I recorded instrumental parts for composers Lucio Godoy and Federico Jussid for Spanish films and TV series. This was a revelation and I continued to compose and arrange orchestral music, using samples, and with the help from friends and other musicians at Cirque du Soleil. In addition I have created soundtracks for choreographers and dancers like Lionel Hun and Ana Arroyo , for Duo Expressio, and for other movies.

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Press – CMTRA – Wahed

AU FIL DES RENCONTRES Entretien avec Olivier Milchberg, musicien, « programmateur » et arrangeur dans le groupe Pêcheur de Perles, à l’occasion de la sortie de leur nouvel album : « Wahed »… CMTRA : Un an et demi après Motayem, disque-rencontre avec le chanteur Palestinien Moneim Adwan, Pêcheurs de perles sort son nouvel album,Wahed.

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Press – CMTRA – Motayem

MOTAYEM. UNE RENCONTRE MUSICALE IRAK-PALESTINE Entretien Mohammed Alnuma et Olivier Milchberg. CMTRA : L’ensemble Pêcheurs de perles sort un disque réalisé avec le musicien palestinien Moneim Adwan. D’où est venue l’idée d’un tel projet ? Olivier Milchberg : L’origine du projet est la rencontre avec Moneim Adwan. Je l’ai rencontré en Palestine lors d’une tournée avec

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