” They where looking for world musicians and I fitted the criteria perfectly as I specialize in oriental music…”
” They where looking for world musicians and I fitted the criteria perfectly as I specialize in oriental music…”
Franco Dragone’s ‘La Perle’ first year anniversary. Published in The National, UAE, sept 15 2018 by Hala Khalaf (original article) It’s been a year since Dubai’s permanent aerial and aqua show La Perle was first performed at its custom-made, 10-storey high, state-of-the-art theatre in Al Habtoor City.Conceived by former Cirque du Soleil artistic director Franco
La Perle anniversary: death-defying circus still pulling tricks Read More »
Olivier Milchberg, traditional creative musician How would you define yourself as a musician ? I would say : I’m a multidisciplinary musician (and multidisciplinary artist). I played a lot of traditional (folk) music from south America, Europe, and the middle east. I learned a lot in studying music with roots (with a soul). But traditional
How did you come to traditional music? I am a passionate fan of traditional music. I grew up in the Andean folklore, (being the son of the founder of Los Incas), and I was very early sensitized by Breton and Irish music. I see a very strong link between these music from different countries apparently
Interview with Olivier Milchberg, passionate about traditional music Read More »
AU FIL DES RENCONTRES Entretien avec Olivier Milchberg, musicien, « programmateur » et arrangeur dans le groupe Pêcheur de Perles, à l’occasion de la sortie de leur nouvel album : « Wahed »… CMTRA : Un an et demi après Motayem, disque-rencontre avec le chanteur Palestinien Moneim Adwan, Pêcheurs de perles sort son nouvel album,Wahed.
MOTAYEM. UNE RENCONTRE MUSICALE IRAK-PALESTINE Entretien Mohammed Alnuma et Olivier Milchberg. CMTRA : L’ensemble Pêcheurs de perles sort un disque réalisé avec le musicien palestinien Moneim Adwan. D’où est venue l’idée d’un tel projet ? Olivier Milchberg : L’origine du projet est la rencontre avec Moneim Adwan. Je l’ai rencontré en Palestine lors d’une tournée avec